Here I am again. The undecided mother. I think God wants me to homeschool. But knowing how hard it will be and how I often struggle with depression-would it be best for our family? Would it be best for me? Would it really be best for the boys?
I keep going over the pros and cons list in my head. Trying to talk about it with anyone feels like a maelstrom of thought. So many many pros. But can I do it? Will God come through when I can't? Will he really keep me from hurting the kids when I am down and out? It's hard to put this into type-knowing the thoughts and words won't disappear the minute their thought. I often admire people who can be so frank in their blogs.
Well, maybe I'll just type out my pros and cons then. Maybe that will help me sort it out.
Homeschooling Pros
1. A natural rhythm to the time we spend learning/playing. No set 8 hr schedule concocted by a governing body with the mass in mind first.
2. Allowing my children to learn what they have passions for and dive into them without restraint.
3. Knowing what my kids are learning. Both from a Christian standpoint and a practical standpoint. If they are struggling, I'll know where and can help them or find help.
4. Open schedule for our family.
5. Joy in seeing the light bulbs go on and bonding with the boys in our teaching.
6. Kids not burnt out from long days and homework.
7. Involvment in a co-op where kids can make friends/support for me.
8. Training for the kids in our home with each other-forming deeper bonds and choosing our life
9. Less unwanted peer influence.
Public School Pros
1. More personal time for me.
2. Someone else does the work and teaches when my child is difficult.
3. Social group and friendships form-children feel part of a group.
4. Our tax dollars at work
5. Encouragement and insight from teachers (which is limited due to large class size, but helpful).
6. Training for kids in a public setting for future challenges and allowing some autonomy away from me for the day. Ex: Learning to get along and love people from ALL walks.
Well, this is what I have so far. I don't think the longer list wins or anything. These are just the thought swirling around in my brain. I'm sure I'll add to the lists. Maybe I should do the cons next.
Now I will pray. I'm grateful that Dave will join me in this. Lord, please offer me wisdom on this subject. Help me to be courageous no matter which thing we choose. Help me to love you first and with all I am.
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